The Golden Hour


Lately I’ve been increasing my sunset hiking time in pursuit of capturing the Golden Hour in photography. The Golden Hour casts a magical glow throughout the sun-starved landscape, saturating the usual earthy colors with a surreal vibrant radiance. I feel like the sun is giving its very best effort even after sinking below the horizon… one last hurrah during twilight. “Don’t forget me, I’ll be back tomorrow…”

I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights this week as I’m dealing with one of the worst experiences in my career as an educator- trying to support a student who lost his mother tragically and unexpectedly. No one is prepared enough or has enough experience to fully know their pain or know what to say or do to ease the pain. There isn’t enough grief counseling techniques or tools to make it all go away. And that’s the worst agony for a teacher- to stand by and have to just watch them deal with the worst pain of their life.

My grade level team went to the student’s house last night to visit with the family. We spent time just hanging out and talking about their baby bunnies and chicks (ironically the week before Easter). Petting dogs and enjoying the backyard, laughing at the silly bunnies. You can see the pain in the child’s eyes and shock on his face. Trying to just be there and listen.

As we were saying goodbye, the father instructed the child to give us the Easter presents that the mother had made for us before her passing. Holding the gift in my hand, knowing that someone cared enough for me to carve out time in her day to create something special, was like that Golden Hour. She is gone, yet her memory is held in my hand, shining brightly with her love for others. She had no idea that she wouldn’t be there to give it to us. Yet her memory will glow fiercely forever.

Heather, you will not be forgotten in your Golden Hour.




That Crazy Algorithm Called Life