Cleansing the Soul


Living in the desert, water is everything. You can’t survive without it. And for nature-lovers, it’s a must for cleansing the soul. I stumbled upon this desert diamond in the rough back in December, and it draws me back every month. To find a running brook with bubbling waterfalls and leaping frogs, surrounded by cottonwood and sycamore trees, is priceless. The volcanic rock formations, creating a small canyon which protects this unusual desert habitat, are fascinating to explore. It’s a surreal experience to be overwhelmed by the simplicity of a water oasis, and usually I just have to sit down and soak it all in.


After taking time to soak in the view, one can continue to explore the natural running water that gurgles along the desert floor. The path that parallels the water’s edge was strewn with crunchy leaves that were falling from the deciduous trees. They give away the secret of the water’s location as their yellow tops give a sharp contrast to the neutral tones of the surrounding Sonoran Desert.


Crunching along the path, taking time to stop and smell the fresh water’s fragrance and listen to the bubbling brook, you will come across a tiny waterfall that makes a big splash in the scenery. There’s a smooth rock next to it, which provides a perfect spot to sit and enjoy the view for a while. I’ve spent many hours in this location, just listening and soaking in the beauty of nature. It’s refreshing to the soul to stop the noise in your head and quietly listen to your heart.


While relaxing on the rock, I observe the various creatures which also appreciate the water’s sustenance. After visiting this location five times, I’ve found that I will be rewarded with a new “find” every time.


Just like water, a clean heart and fresh soul are required for healthy living. Self-care is so important nowadays as the world is filled with increasing violence, anger, and noise!! Photographers are very conscious about “noise” in their photos— maybe humans and society should be more aware of social “noise” which litters the soul and clogs up the heart. Then we can focus on love and true peace amongst ourselves and others.




The Desert Giant